Worldwide Unique Vertical Wind Turbines

GenG is behind sustainable energy production with high quality standards.

Our partner is supplying small and mid sized H-rotor windmills with a higher efficiency compared to other similar products. The 10 kW windmill has the best market price compared to the performance the generator can produce. 

The windmills are certified high-tech products with 3 year guarantee. They are equiped with redunant fall-save over speed and storm protection and are designed to operate over 20 years.

Different sizes starting from 400 W - 100kW generators.
The silent wind turbines can be operated without noise, which means it is suitable for residential areas.

Can be implemented for:

  • battery charger
  • camping boats
  • radio and cell towers
  • heat and water pumps
  • water conditioning
  • photovoltanic supplement
  • residental buildings
  • farmer houses
  • industrial buildings
  • wind farms

Verticle Wind Turbine

Our Wind Turbines Models

Overview of our four Wind Turbine models

Version - Marine Starkwind -
Performance 400W 3kW 10/12kW 40kW
Wing span 1.2m 3m 6m 12m
Rotor diameter 1m 2m 4m 8m
Wing / Pitch Control N/A mechanical mechanical electrical
Standard mast height 1,5/3/6m 4/8/12m 9/15m 18/24m
Networks in AC power supply No 230V 1-phase 400V 3-phase  400V 3-phase
DC battery power 12/24V 12-48V 48-1000V 200-1000V
Roof assembly Yes Yes Flat roof Flat roof
Annual output at 4m/s 211 kWh 1 7 29
Annual output at 6m/s 830kWh 5 24 100
Annual CO2 reduction at 6m/s 550kg 4t 13t 54t
Availability available available available available
Lead time in days 60 80 90 90

Key Facts

Key Facts - Advantages

  • Products with additional efficiency compared to other products.
  • Possible to run on low, turbulent wind speed.
  • No Noise (below 43 dB) and issues with environment. (birds & bats)
  • Produce energy decentralized.
  • ROI faster on small units than on big windmill systems.
  • Attractive size & aesthetic.
  • Low cost installations and maintenance.
  • Easy to maintain and monitor.
  • CE certified after IEC WT 01(EN61400-2:1996)
  • Automated Cos Phi adjustment.